Sierra Evans '10

What subjects do you teach or what do you do for your job?

I'm currently an English teacher, Drama Lab director, and help with the Kairos program.

Why did you choose to pursue a career in education?

I think teenagers are some of the most passionate people I know - highs are high and lows can be really low. When I was in high school (at Bishop Montgomery: class of 2010), I had teachers who could have just taught their classes and graded papers, but instead, they invested in me at a time in my life when that was so important. So to put it simply, I became a teacher because I had great teachers. 

Do you moderate any clubs, coach a sports, etc.? If yes, what made you choose it/them?

Drama Lab/Improv team: the students involved always ensure that my day is never boring and I'm always really proud of the thought and care that we put into what we do

Finish this sentence: If I weren't teaching or working at a school, I would be...

trying to get hired as a spy. Or Julie Andrews' personal assistant. Either one.